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LAMP Stack Vs MEAN Stack- Is It The Right Time To Say Goodbye To LAMP?

calender 25 Oct 2021

“Through LAMP stack developers can deploy web applications on variations of Linux operating system. While MEAN stack allow developers to deploy their applications on any operating system that supports Node.”


With numerous organizations all throughout the globe seriously relying upon programming for their everyday endeavor, the requirement for huge business level applications, locales, and servers has become obvious. When fostering an application without any preparation, using predictable, versatile, and standard programming is basic. While web stacks have turned into an essential piece of development, they have developed throughout the long term, making it harder for engineers to pick. LAMP and MEAN are two of the most famous development stacks. What's more, even in spite of the fact that they depend on various technologies for backend dialects, server environment, and databases, there has been a great deal of dispute regarding which of the two is better.


In this article, we will discuss a few key differences between LAMP and MEAN Stack.  

What is LAMP?

LAMP is a bunch of software subsystems that are joined to perform tasks without conditions on external programming or information. It is the short structure for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. LAMP fills in as a lot of software programs that permit a consistent and smooth mix with one another, consequently becoming one of the strongest platforms for web application development. 

With the biggest and most seasoned local area, and strong libraries and tools, LAMP conveys a great platform for facilitating and creating conspicuous, high-performing web applications. Its parts include: 

Linux (Operating System)

Apache (Web Server)

MySQL (Code Managing the Database)

PHP (Programming Language) 

By and large, LAMP has been the most solid and exceptionally compelling platform to foster web applications at the endeavor level. It flaunts an incredible history and gives application designers space for customization. Its users incorporate Oracle, Linux, and Zend, among others. 


Pros and Cons of LAMP Stack


 Perhaps the best advantage of utilizing LAMP stack is its widespread support. The PHP and MySQL backend techs are renowned by numerous and upheld by a few facilitating suppliers. In this manner, you can have all over the place and access the most vigorous CMS engines.

   Since LAMP stack is open-source, connections between end-clients and the source can be changed to suit the engineer's requirements.

  PHP and MySQL programs are not difficult to appreciate, and hence, they make LAMP advantageous for beginners. This is because its organization is consistent as it utilizes PHP as an APACHE module and works with transfers PHP files through MySQL Database.

     The non-hindering construction of LAMP makes it more adaptable and quicker to create.

     For distinctive necessities, developers can tweak modules utilizing the LAMP stack.


     This web stack only supports variations of the Linux operating system.

     LAMP makes it discouraging to switch between PHP or Python and afterward use HTML or JavaScript.

What is MEAN?

MEAN can be characterized as a software group that represents MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. These software programs assist with improving web process measures. The center strength of MEAN stack is in its centralization of JavaScript as its essential programming language. Each part in this web stack is written in JavaScript and the database stores information in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) design. This implies that JS isn't just utilized as a client-side scripting language yet in addition to the whole application, which expands productivity. Its essential parts include: 

MongoDB (data persistence)

Express.js (server-side application framework)

Angular (client-side application)

Node.JS (server-side environment) 

MEAN stack assists with creating applications that are scalable, adaptable, and extensible, which makes it the ideal contender for cloud facilitating. The utilization of JavaScript likewise gives designers the opportunity to reuse code across the application, lessening the requirement for wasting time in each development stage.

Pros and Cons of MEAN Stack


     The principal justification for why most engineers enjoys utilizing MEAN is the utilization of a solitary language (JavaScript), which permits exchanging between the customer and the server simpler.

     With MEAN, you can make basic open-source solutions which can be utilized to foster powerful and viable applications.

     It permits continuous show of applications. In this cutting-edge time, making a real-time demo application for supporters/viewers is urgent. MEAN can assist you with real-time improvements to your application in any event, during the development stage.

     It is cloud compatible. With cloud functionalities turning into an indispensable piece of current sites and applications, the MongoDB in MEAN permits you to create, test, and convey those functionalities with much ease. 

     It's practical and time conscious. With MEAN, you don't need to employ a few specialists for each errand. If you get a JavaScript engineer, you can construct an application from beginning to end, subsequently saving a lot of time and money.


     MongoDB can be great for little and mid-size applications, yet for large-scale applications, it might prompt loss of information when networking partitioning occurs. This doesn't occur constantly, but it is bound to manifest as time goes by. 

     Express.js gives the bad isolation of the server from business rationale. This can abridge the reuse of specific services like bunching tasks.

     It becomes testing to return to the old methodology once you foster the principal site utilizing MEAN stack innovation. 

Difference between LAMP Stack vs MEAN Stack

Operating System

LAMP stack permits developers to convey web applications on a variation of Linux working framework as it were. MEAN, on the other hand, doesn't list any working framework in their parts. Consequently, with MEAN stack, clients can send their applications on any OS that upholds Node.JS. 

Programming Language

LAMP permits developers to code in PHP. Also, even though MySQL offers better help to PHP in contrast with different programs, developers can replace PHP with Python or Perl as the parts in this stack can be traded. Then again, developers using MEAN stack are needed to write codes in JavaScript both in the customer side and server-side since parts are not exchangeable. 

Web Server

While LAMP has Apache Web Server as its part, MEAN stack uses a web server controlled by Node.JS. The Apache Web Server is more developed and vigorous than Node.JS. Notwithstanding, Node.JS isn't just current and lightweight yet additionally gives a non-hindering and event-based web server. 


Although MySQL is the default Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) for LAMP, developers have a choice of supplanting it with other RDBMS like PostgreSQL and MariaDB. Moreover, they can likewise use NoSQL databases like MongoDB. On the other hand, MEAN stack clients are needed to work solely with MongoDB.    

Is it the right time to say goodbye to LAMP?

Designers, who acknowledged LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) isn't adequately adaptable to fill their needs, hence they are step by step taking action towards MEAN stacks. What's more, it's high time you ought as well. 

The MEAN stack offers adaptability and simplicity that incredible LAMP doesn't. Not so long ago, web development implied WordPress. Web development has developed since. With such countless advancements, the issue is which innovation would it be a good idea for you to embrace for the next project? 

MEAN stack is about JavaScript—backend development, frontend development, or server, all done in a similar programming language. Access to the database is through MongoDB's Idiomatic driver. Drivers work with communication utilizing regular JavaScript ideas like items and async execution using either callback functions or promises.


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