“C# introduced by Microsoft under .Net Framework is one of the most popular coding languages for 2015. In the era of mobile apps and cloud system, Microsoft .Net development framework is providing the best solutions and support for both.”
C# introduced by Microsoft under .Net Framework is one of the most popular coding languages for 2015. In the era of mobile apps and cloud system, Microsoft .Net development framework is providing the best solutions and support for both. Stability, open source and cross-platform are the biggest challenges for developers while developing different types of application. By considering all issues and challenges from the point of developers, .Net kept on providing the support with its new libraries along with introducing new technologies. Every user now-a-days likes to use scalable and robust desktop applications, colorful,interactive and animated websites and also light weighted with good processing mobile apps. Both C# and XAML are together helping developers for making such applications which can meet the users and market satisfaction.
XAML(extensible Application Markup Language) was first introduced by Microsoft in .Net Framework 3.0. It is also one of the tag languages similar to HTML and XML. .Net introduced XAML for designing the GUI for advance .Net applications. In simple terms as we use HTML for designing the web pages similarly XAML is used for designing the GUI of advance applications like WPF(windows presentation foundation) applications, Windows store apps, mobile apps and silver-light apps.
XAML provides some predefined tags by which we can very easily develop the layouts , can use controls like text-boxes and buttons, can apply transitions and animations, can apply themes and resources for making interactive GUI and many more. On the other side C# is providing programming logic behind the XAML. By combining the XAML and C# , we can create robust, scalable and interactive applications. Both C# and XAML together provide the unique power to .Net framework .
Below are the categories of applications for which we use XAML and C# :
A.WPF applications: Windows presentation foundation provides the different and unique approach for developing desktop applications as well as web based applications than previous winforms application development. WPF also supports for many new features like data binding , graphics , animations and media.
B. Silverlight applications: Silver light XAML defines the visual appearance of a UI, and an associated code-behind file defines the logic. The UI design can be adjusted without necessarily making changes to the logic in code-behind. XAML in this role simplifies the work-flow between individuals who might have a primary visual design responsibility and individuals who are responsible for application logic and information design.
C. Windows Store Apps : With the launch of Windows 8 , Microsoft also launched windows store apps . These are those apps which can run on windows 8 and 8.1 and can be installed from windows store. Such apps can be developed by using the combination of C# and XAML very easily .
D. Window phone apps : XAML and C# both plays a good role in developing the windows phone app . Worldwide, so many apps were developed by experienced developers and fresh learners by using C# and XAML .