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Website Designing

Website Development for Travel Industry 'CMM' in ASP.NET

Client Brief

Our client's name is Campground Maintenance Company (CMM ), based in the USA. The organization is into traveling industry. The client wanted an existing website to be revamped with new look and feel. They also wanted us to integrate the Windows application to manage the website content, images through the admin panel.

Our Endeavor

Our ASP.NET MVC developers started working on the design provided by the client. The ASP.NET developers created several inside pages, like About, Store, CMM Software, How It Works, FAQS, RV Trip Planner,  Contact etc. Our professionals have developed a Login Panel and have integrated a join button, Help & Support page at the top right of the home page.  

In this project, our ASP.NET MVC team has developed an admin panel to upload images, content and more. The developers have also integrated a CMM Form button in each and every page for user communication.               

The client is satisfied because we finished the work and delivered on time.


Microsoft Dot Net



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