The client approached us with a requirement of developing an IVR based complaint booking system.
The client was constantly facing a problem of having to deal with the day-to-day complaints. An escalation in the number of the unattended calls had given rise to dissatisfaction amongst the users of client's product. That is why; the clients approached us in hope of getting such an inventive IVR System that would allow the users to make calls over a telephone line and register complaints, as and when required.
According to the requisite, we have developed an automatic IVR based complaint booking system for a US based client which is capable of booking complaints without the intervention of an operator. Predetermined numbers are allotted to the complaints booking system, like "198". Whenever any subscriber wants to lodge a complaint, he shall dial his code to land to this system. It takes all the related details from the subscriber about the faulty number, through voice guided menus. It then fetches the complaint number from the database and informs the same to the subscriber. We used complete IVRS technology for interacting his telephone service with computers (CTI Computer Telephonic Integration), Crystal Report 4.0 and TAPI (telephone API) with C++/VC++ as front-end and SAL server 2000 as back-end.
Microsoft Dot Net, My SQL, MS SQL
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