HTML Website for Travel 'YO SI SALGO' Events
Posting & Sharing Platform
Client Brief
The client approached us with a requirement of developing a website, which can show various event details. These events can be managed events posted by admin, sub-admins and registered users. The general users can navigate the website to find events, to reserve seats for events and also can purchase coupons.
Our Endeavor
The list of events that can be added in the website includes:
- Conferences
- Seminars, Meetings
- Trade Shows
- Business Dinners
- Golf Events
- Press Conferences
- Networking Events
- Incentive Travel
- Opening Ceremonies
- Product Launch
- Theme Parties
- Trade Fairs
- Award Ceremonies
- Incentive Events
- Board Meetings
- Weddings Ceremonies
- Wedding Anniversaries
All types of events such as etc. can be managed. All these events are managed from the admin section. Users can view/search these events by theme and type. They can view these events in two types: matrix/map view and perform search. The users can search events by preferred keywords, data range, type and distance range considering user's location as the central location.
The events are being shared through Facebook and twitter social media website. While posting an event from admin or user's dashboard, the event is being shared through Facebook and twitter as well. Also the general users can share events through email, Facebook and twitter. On the admin section, current events belonging to Mexico are being automatically updated from Facebook, twitter and RSS feeds by Cron Schedular in unpublished status those can be published by the administrator with some required data. This website would detect user's current location based on Google Map shared location functionality. The site admin is also facilitated with member search and mass mailing utility.
Website Features
- User would be able to view home page with logo, main search, sponsor ads, event map view, updates and news, contacts & links to social networks.
- Anyone can navigate the site without having to register.
- User would be a registered user to post events, get coupons, select users to follow, get newsletter updates.
- There would be an area for the users to login and to register.
- When users are registered, then the information such as location, favorites, and credit card info can be set at default.
- Users would be able to view/search for events.
Event posts are generated in the following ways:
- Site administrators would be able to post event and its details.
- Registered users would be able to post event and its details.
- Event would be posted by the registered users. New venues or events would be approved by the sub admin and events posted by the sub admins would be approved by the admin, but once they are approved they can be updated in real time.
User would need to enter the following at the time of posting the event. Until the user is registered, or during registering, he can add the following info to create his event.
- Event name
- Venue
- Date
- Time
- Theme [Dropdown to select themes]
- Type [Dropdown to select category of event]
- Event image [Upload event image]
- Type of exposure desired on matrix display. [ default: free, medium$, large $ $]
- Coupon details [optional $l]
- Contact Info
- Link to sell tickets [ include link]
- Social network info if available to share comments or updates
- Number of attendees for reservation
- User would be able to filter the events by category, distance, event type, date/timeframes.
- User would be able to view the detailed event page with event description, date, posted by, link to map and twitter/ Facebook updates.
- User would be able to view the groups based on the events in common.
- Users can follow users and the events they post and can view the group of people based on the events they follow.
- User would be able to view articles that are not events, such as interviews and reviews.
- Users can click to say if they are attending or not and this will be updated in Facebook/twitter.
- Detailed event page would display the number of attendees allotted for the event by the event host. User would also be able to see the availability for reservation.
- In case if the maximum number of attendees is reached, reservation button would be inactive.
- Limited number of people would be allowed to attend event and the reservation limit would be set by the event host.
- Website would be displaying event updates, articles and blog below the event listing.
- User would be able to search for twitter posts, recognize event information, retrieve the information and make an event post by using the twitter GET Search API.
- User would be able to search for public events and website Facebook account friend list events, retrieve information and make them into event posts using Facebook API system.
Events would be displayed in two ways in the main page:
Matrix View: Events are displayed in three rows by default, but matrix can be extended to 5.
- Events are displayed as images.
- The dimension of the image box has a fixed height and a default width. The width can be increased if the event host pays for a larger exposure space.
- The events are organized through series of filters, by default the filter is chronological starting now. Filters are set by theme and type. Filter themes and types can be combined.
- The time/chronological filter type allows for time frames. User would be able to control start and end times for filter through a slider.
- Event radius filter type shows events located in the designated radius around the user.
- The promotional filter type shows only events that have a coupon, and when the coupon is over, the tag is removed.
- When a viewer hovers and clicks once over a thumbnail a hovering enlarged image with a short description appears over the matrix which darkens out.
Location Finding: The location of the user would be obtained through what is available:
- IP Address
- User inserted address
Map View: Events are displayed on a map which has the user at its center.
- Events are displayed graphically by use of design and colors.
- If user wants a specific color he needs to pay through event posting or control panel, the markers will have a color by default.
- The events are organized trough series of filters, by default the filter is chronological starting now. Filters are set by theme and type. Filter themes and types can be combined.
- The time/chronological filter type allows for time frames. User should be able to control start and end times for filter through a slider.
- Event radius filter type shows events located in the designated radius around the user.
- The promotional filter type shows only events that have a coupon, and when the coupon is over, the tag is removed.
Coupons: Registered users would also be able to include their coupons while posting their events.
- Users/Venues would be able to post their coupon from their dashboard (user control panel) and these are sold through the site and then the coupon with its code is emailed once transaction is cleared.
- User/admin would be able to post a coupon by entering the coupon details, end time, cost ($0 if it needs to sold for free), minimum purchase required.
- User/admin would also be able upload the coupon which would be displayed in the respective webpage.
- There would be a limit set on availability of coupons.
- User would be able to select coupon templates to post their coupons.
- User would be able to set the life span/expiration time of coupons with the event they posted. Once that time has passed the coupon and tag is removed from the event page.
- In case the user/admin wants to sell the coupon for free, they can enter the cost as $0, the user would be delivered with the printable coupon straight away.
- The buyer would have to be registered on the site, click on coupon and submit their email address and enter their credit card information to pay for buying coupon.
- Once the minimum number of purchase is met, user would be charged and a printable coupon would be emailed to the user.
- If the minimum limit would not attain then no buyer would receive the coupon and no amount would be deducted from their account.
- Coupon would set a coupon tag on the event so it can be searched through the filters.
Search: When events are searched in the search box, the events will appear in a list with selected filters.
- Google customized search engine would be used that enable auto correct and fill in features for searches within the site.
Reservation: Viewers would be able to make a reservation of an event. The amount of spots left would be limited and displayed if desired by the event host.
- Reservation info would be available to admin and user and a reservation confirmation email would be sent to viewer.
- Link with Social Media: The events would be linked to their respective facebook and twitter accounts.
- If there is an update in the twitter/facebook. It would be displayed in the event page update.
- If there is a change in the event post it would appear in the twitter and facebook page of the event.
- Updates from social media would be displayed on the left side of the website.
- The site updates would appear in its twitter and facebook account.
RSS Feeds: The site would display filtered RSS feeds of its updates.
- User would be able to view RSS feed of events from third party websites. Event feeds from the third party websites would be displayed similar to the events posted by the admin.
- Link to external ticket seller: Tickets are not sold on the site.
Design HTML & CSS, My SQL, jQuery