The client provided us a partially developed data management system and asked for enhancements. It has been developed using PHP pear package, JavaScript prototype, jQuery and MySQL interface.
Orionstone is client’s company and this database stores all his inventory related data like machine details and the details of manufacturing processes. The database stores data of 9 different types of users including: administrator, asset manager, finance manager, sales manager, maintenance manager, accounts staff, maintenance staff, sales staff and client user.
Different typed of users have different roles and responsibilities to play. Overall they work and manage several modules such as component, equipment, job, defect, time sheet etc. on the basis of permission level provided by the administrator, these users perform their tasks. So it is a very easy system to manage servicing data by multiple administrators and they can also generate different type of reports as required.
We have added some sections in the database as well as we have added the state field (add/edit/view/list page) in the site as per the provided screen from the client. Additionally, we have also added the 3 fields: Industry, Work-type and Commodity helping the database to store more detailed information. However, these fields are editable from the backend. Admin approves the data that has been input by any user.
Additionally, to help the website serve better, we have implemented the following sections in it:
PHP, My SQL, AJAX, jQuery
PHP Web Application for Airborne Equipment Supplier 'Kellstrom Industries'
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