Website for Pets 'wagstreet' Using CakePHP
– Dog Care Products & Services
Client Brief
Client approached us for the redeveloping his existing website that deals in dog services.
Our Endeavor serves as the platform for connecting dog lovers with professional pet services. The online market place allows users to search for dogs, list their dogs and find other local services listed on the website. Besides providing info for dog services, the website provides educational content, blog as posted by back-end admin. This informative content enabled dog owners to learn more about dogs, their health, training, feeding, etc.
This Project involves the participation of the two different users, one being the dog breeder and another the service provider. The dog breeder sign up and advertise his dog, besides searching for the services as per his requirement. On the other hand, the service provider will have the opportunity to sign up into the site to get more breeders who are looking for dog services. Working on the project, our developers used technologies like PHP, Cake PHP, MySql, jQuery, Ajax for redevelopment of the website.
PHP, My SQL, AJAX, jQuery, CakePHP