The client wanted us to develop an online franchise management solution using CakePHP framework to give the franchisors an online platform to post various information regarding franchise opportunities that they are selling.
The project involved development of an online franchise management solution using CakePHP framework.
The concept is about the Franchisors – i.e. the companies, who sell franchise opportunities, the can post relevant information about their offers etc. on this website. The Franchisees or the prospective buyers can search for the opportunities posted by companies or franchisors and discuss further with the intention of buying.
The website has following industries, and franchisors can post their offers categorically. The franchisees also have the option to subscribe to only a few category or few franchisors.
Categories are - Automotive, Beauty, Hair or Spa, Business Services, Education, Financial Services, Food or Beverage, Home Care, Maintenance or Cleaning, Pets Related, Retail, Senior Care, Services for Homeowners, Specialty Service, Sports & Recreation, Technology & Internet, Transportation and Travel
The website has an easy to use admin panel for the administrator to manage franchisors profile, franchise offers, brokers, etc. The website has a CMS to manage general pages and images too. Other features of admin panel are –
The Facebook integration in the site has been provided to help the franchisors in connecting with each other, posting update of their offers as wall posts in their FB account, sending invitation or update on new offers to their friends on FB etc.
The team is smart, quick to respond and make changes. I enjoyed developing my website at SynapseIndia
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