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Storelited - Offering Flyers, Daily Deals and Discount Coupons

Client Brief

Client wanted us to develop website where various store owners would be able to upload flyers, daily deals, discount coupons. The store profiles would be shown on Google map and users would be able to search by radius based on their location. The daily deals can also be seen on the Google map apart from the listing view.

Our Endeavor

StoreListed.com is a one stop shop for shopping deals and businesses who offer them. It is a medium that brings together stores of every size in a given geography or online and connects them to their customers.

We have used CakePHP framework to develop the website. Store owners can register and create store profiles. We have also developed several web forms through which a store owner can create his store profile, daily deals, upload coupons and other information. Using these web forms, store owners can upload PDF of the product flyer and the pages are extracted using PHP scripts to show a flyer on the website. Based on the chosen location user can browse store profile. A store profile can have title, a video and images associated with it. The location of the store is also marked on Google map. The location of the address on map is gathered using Google API and scheduled cron jobs.

Using a database of cities and zip code user the website facilitates radius search of stores and daily deals. We have also developed feature where by user can interact with store owners via web site. The website administrator can manage users on the website. Admin can manage product flyer, daily deals, coupons etc. Admin can also upload daily deals using XLS file. The uploaded XLS file is parsed and database is populated with records for daily deals.

Features & Functionlaities

The frontend of StoreListed.com comes with the following attributes:

  • Member Registration: Users can sign up to the website by entering their email, postal code, also an email will be sent to the new user with password.
  • Browse Photo (Flyers): Users can browse existing Photo (flyers) and categories by viewing the thumbnails of the photos (flyers) after login or sign up.
  • Browse Products: Users can view individual items by clicking on the flyer and add to shopping list. Each flyer as shown in the product listing has multiple products.
  • Manage Profile: Users can edit personal information (profile). Also user should be able to change city without changing their postal code.
  • Detail Page: Users can view product detail with product image and Google map (vendors are listed on Google map).Detail Page: Users can to view product detail with product image and Google map (vendors are listed on Google map).
  • Shopping List: Users can create shopping list (Add products in shopping list) by clicking on the product and ability to print out the shopping listen 2 formats - a. Only Text, b. Picture and Text and able to email shopping list.
  • Searching: Users can search by name through the products listed on the site Also this will show list items sale with price and store name. User can perform radius search.
  • Product Listing: User will be able to view and sort as product view and sort by vendor, by categories also all of the vendors are listed with all of their location in Canada. Listed on Google map.
  • Contact Us Page: The contact us page would be a simple form. It would verify the contents of the fields via PHP.
  • Show weekly specials flyer: Show weekly specials flyer in front end which is added by admin. On clicking of the items on the image a light box should be open with the details of the selected item. And the user can save that to the shopping cart.
  • Return and price adjustment page: Vendors can manage (add/edit/delete) Return and price adjustment page Name of the Store, Return Policy, with receipt, Without Receipt, Sale Item, Price Adjustment and Comment. Also after admin Approval this page will display on the front end.
  • Rewards and loyalty program page: Vendors can manage (add/edit/delete) rewards and loyalty program page information.
  • About Us Page: Allow admin to manage the about us page with following fields. Feedback, Name, Subject, Message etc.
  • F.A.Q Page: Users will be able to view Questions/Answers. The question and answers will be added by admin.
  • Deal option for PDF upload: On the deal page there will be posting of numerous items just like posting of coupons, flyers, in some cases items from flyers will be linked to the deal page. Each flyer is posted individually and the user can flip through the flyer one page after another like a slide. Each product in the flyer is mapped under the product page where the user can search just by typing the name of the product.
  • Manage Deal: Vendors can manage (Add/edit/delete) deals. In this page the vendor can take a picture (item image) of the merchandise and upload it for quick sale. eg. Mattresses that the vendor wants to put up for quick sale. Quickest way would be to take the picture and post it under deal page under local, Province, national. Also the vendor will be able to set price and item information etc.
  • Manage Coupon: Vendors can manage (Add/edit/delete) coupon. Also will be able to post the coupon under local, Province, national.
  • Vendor registration, Login, logout, forgot password: Vendor can register by filling up contact details and user name, password and then login in the application using their username and password, change password and retrieve forgotten password.
  • Vendor Profile: Vendors can edit personal information and store information etc. Vendors to be able to create location specific profiles.
  • Upload Pic/Video: Vendors can upload pics and video in his/her profile. For additional video, there will be extra charge and admin would be able to control that after receiving the request from vendor.
  • Vendor Manage Items: Vendors can manage items (add/edit/delete) under every flyer.
  • Vendor (Upload Flyers, mapping flyers): Allow vendors to upload flyers in pdf format and the application will automatically convert the pdf flyer into an image flyer. If the pdf contains 4 pages then it will automatically convert it into 4 flyers and in the next step the vendor will be able to manage each flyer (converted flyer images) separately and every flyer will be paid. Also the vendor will be able to map every flyer. Also will be able to post flyers under local, province, national.
  • Renewal Notification email before subscription expiry.
  • RSS Feed integration: Generation of RSS Feeds.
  • Integrate API: We have added Facebook, Twitter APIs to invite a friend to join. While users can log-in with their Facebook or Twitter credentials.
  • Store vendors would be able to post news items. The news would have a title and a text.
  • The news posted by a vendor would be shown on vendor profile page.
  • Users can mark a vendor profile as favorite and a link to same will be added to their favorite list.
  • There would be a contact us form on vendor profile page. Once user submits the vendor contact us form an email is sent to vendors email ID.
  • Flyers uploaded from vendor profile pages would be listed on the websites for browsing. User will be able to browse the flyers by clicking on a link like 'Browse Flyer' or similar.
  • Users can give comment on the profile, images, video, flyer. There would be a form to post comments. Logged in user would be able to post comments as well as read the comments that other user have posted.
  • We have also integrated an internal messaging system where users could communicate with each other using the internal messaging system. The messages would not be sent to email address of users instead they would need to login to the system to check and respond to messages.
  • Users can to search by news updates in search section.


PHP, My SQL, jQuery


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