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Website Designing

A PHP Based Website for Knowing Aviation Fuel Pricing Details

Client Brief

The company approached SynapseIndia with a need of a website that would help its partners to search for lowest aircraft fuel prices in locations around the world.

Our Endeavor

We used MVC framework design pattern, keeping in mind the complex functionality requirements. Our endeavor resulted in a professionally designed website that is secure, user-friendly and reliable.

A fast search facility was expected to lead aviation operators to the lowest aviation fuel prices at several locations around the globe. Operators were also to be provided with an interface that would help them in ordering and track the same. While the order process involves coordination with the suppliers and fuel delivery team using automated emails and faxes, the administrator was expected to be able to process an order.

The website was also to feature an application informing stakeholders about the real-time cost of aviation fuel in the location of interest. There are few changes we made in the site help it work better:

  • Implemented the rule for Price + Taxes section for flight type "Domestic", shown the " RC notes" if estimated taxes calculated using RC table.
  • Added the notes as suggested and the pattern of note is Description: Amount Currency Unit: Flight Type". Displayed the multi-message for notes section under the price + tax section.
  • Created a new page for ROI and added it under the "Demo Menu".
  • Created new test page for admin browse price page and added the (.0041) in base price and added the page under the "Demo Menu" as "Browse Price (Inward payment)".
  • Added a new column "Responsible by" at "Supplier list" page.
  • Developed "Download price list" functionality and added the "Download" button at " Upload Dealer Price" page.
  • Developed client credit approval list page under the admin section and added the new menu for the same.

The client further asked us to change the homepage layout. Our team used PHP, MySql for back-end while C#, ASP.NET MVC for front-end. Working on the modifications, we created the final page with tabs as given below

  • Home
  • About Us
  • Business Aviation
  • Airline / Cargo
  • Government / Military
  • Our Commitment
  • Contact Us





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